
The MJAA seeks to connect with other Messianic ministries, both in Australia and internationally, for mutual promotion via our respective communication channels. If your ministry would like to be networked with the MJAA in this way, please download and complete the form below and email it to:

Disclaimer: The MJAA takes no responsibility and has no control whatsoever regarding internal management policies, practices or doctrines of individual organisations that seek promotion through our communication channels. The MJAA is a networking and support organisation for believers in Yeshua the Messiah and we engage in activities that support this purpose. Signing the form below means you agree with all of the information on this page, as well as the Statement of Belief in the MJAA constitution.

The MJAA encourages:

  • An original, Hebraic perspective of the Scriptures embracing Jewish and Gentile believers in churches and Messianic congregations.
  • Activities which will aid our testimony to the Jewish people with the Gospel and motivate the involvement of both Messianic Jews and Gentiles who are followers of Yeshua.
  • Support for Jewish believers in Yeshua in the state of Israel and other parts of the world.
  • We seek to unite believers in Yeshua and encourage Jewish people to consider His claims

AIMS of the MJAA:

  1. To unite Jewish followers of Yeshua throughout Australia in a supportive fellowship for mutual encouragement and support.
  2. To promote a clear, visible testimony to the fact that there is a large and growing movement of Jewish people who have come to believe that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah and Saviour of the world.
  3. To bring together, in one organisation, Jewish and non-Jewish people of like faith and mind, with a vision for sharing the good news of Yeshua the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world.

MJAA Ministry Connection Form

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