
The Messianic Jewish Alliance of Australia (MJAA) is a Bible-based organisation, established in 1927, bringing together Jewish people who acknowledge that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah. Our roots are from the Hebrew Christian Alliance of Great Britain that was established in 1866. We are a non-denominational organisation which cater especially for Jewish believers in Yeshua, the Messiah, together with their families and like minded Gentiles.

The MJAA recognises God’s continuing purposes for the Jewish people and that the Scripture foresees the day when all Israel will be saved.  Until then, the MJAA is committed to unite and represent the saved remnant of Israel and to foster its spiritual and numerical growth as a united witness of salvation in Yeshua to the wider Jewish community.

To this end we seek to encourage:

  • a Jewish perspective of the Scriptures embracing Jewish and Gentile believers in churches and Messianic congregations;
  • activities which will aid our witnessing to the Jewish people with the Gospel and motivate the involvement of both Messianic Jews and Gentiles and
  • support for Jewish believers in Yeshua in the state of Israel and other parts of the world.


  1. To unite Jewish believers throughout Australia in a co-operative fellowship for mutual encouragement and support;
  2. To be a clear, visible testimony to the fact that there is a large and growing movement of Jewish people who have come to believe that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah and Saviour of the world;
  3. To bring together, in one organisation, Jewish and non-Jewish people of like faith and mind, with a shared vision for the proclamation of the gospel to the Jewish people.


  1. The divine inspiration and infallibility of the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) and the Brit Hadashah (New Covenant Scriptures) as the supreme authority in all matters of faith and life;
  2. The tri-unity of God found in Scripture as God the Father, God the Son (Yeshua) and God the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit);
  3. That Jews and gentiles are all in rebellion (sin) against God and that God’s judgment on this rebellion is death;
  4. That personal salvation and a right relationship with God can only be based on the sacrificial death and resurrection of Yeshua;
  5. That Yeshua is the promised Jewish Messiah of Israel and will return in person.

If you would like to join with us by becoming a member, please:

  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Pay the annual membership fee.
    Fees are used to cover our expenses and meet our aims. We do not pay any salaries. If you cannot afford these fees a fee waiver is available, just let us know.

You are eligible to become a member if you are 18 or over, a resident of Australia, and agree to our Aims & Beliefs stated above.

A voting member is a person also who has, or had, at least one parent or grandparent who is identifiably Jewish or is the current husband, wife or child of a member. Ordinary membership is open to any person who supports our Aims & Beliefs.

Annual Fee      Couple $65     Individual $45 Concession $20 (pensioner/student)

Payment:  Via EFT
Name: Messianic Jewish Alliance of Australia
BSB: 032159
Acc: 366764
Ref:Your name

Via Paypal

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