About Us


The Messianic Jewish Alliance of Australia (MJAA) is a Bible based, non-denominational organisation that was established in Australia in 1927. It brings together Jewish and non-Jewish people who acknowledge that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah and who seek to build the messianic community within Australia.

After 1600 years of frequent persecution by ‘Christians’ and the presentation of the gospel stripped of its Jewishness, the Jewish people have come to believe that to follow Yeshua (Jesus) is to leave the faith of their fathers and become non-Jews. This view is a tragic distortion of Scripture and a deplorable part of church history.

An important tenet of the Messianic movement is that Yeshua  (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah, who was born in a Jewish land, of a Jewish mother, as foretold by Jewish prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures. This story has been recorded for us by the Jewish Apostles He appointed. When a Jewish person accepts this they do not become a gentile. Rather, that person becomes a part of the remnant of Israel (Jeremiah 31:7; Romans 9:27 – see also A Theology of the Remnant).

This is a foundational understanding for us. It is not, in any way, an attempt to separate ourselves from the wider body of Messiah. Rather, it represents a legitimate way of integrating belief in Yeshua whilst continuing to be a Jew. The Messianic Jewish Alliance of Australia recognises God’s continuing purposes for the Jewish people and that the Scripture foresees the day when all Israel will be saved (Romans 11:26).


Until then, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of Australia is committed to unite and represent the saved remnant of Israel, and to foster its spiritual and numerical growth, as a united witness of salvation in Yeshua to the wider Jewish community. It is an authentically Jewish organisation as it is led by Jewish followers of Yeshua. 

We also recognise that there are a growing number of gentiles followers of Yeshua who both support and wish to be associated or a part of the Messianic movement.  As such, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of Australia seeks to represent and include all supporters of the Messianic movement within Australia in supportive fellowship.

The Messianic Jewish Alliance of Australia is affiliated with the International Messianic Jewish Alliance (established 1925), which had its origin in the Hebrew Christian Alliance of Great Britain (established in 1866). There are now affiliated Alliances in many countries. They are all non-denominational organizations which cater especially for Jewish believers in Yeshua, the Messiah, together with their families.


We are a registered as an Association with NSW Fair Trading, and as a Religious Charity with the ACNC. We report yearly to these organizations. We are governed by a Constitution, which can be accessed on the ACNC Charity portal. We are a membership based organization, with an elected committee to carry out the running of the organization alongside other volunteers.


  • To connect Jewish followers of Yeshua throughout Australia in a supportive fellowship for mutual encouragement and support
  • To promote a clear, visible testimony to the fact that there is a large and growing movement of Jews and gentiles who follow Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world
  • To bring together Jews and gentiles of like faith and mind with a shared vision for sharing the good news of Yeshua to the Jewish people


  • The divine inspiration and infallibility of the Tanakh(1) and the Brit Hadashah(2) as the supreme authority in all matters of faith and life.
  • The complete unity of God found in Scripture as God the Father, God the Son(3) and God the Ruach ha Kodesh(4).
  • That Jews and gentiles(5) are all in rebellion(6) against God and that God’s judgement on this rebellion is death.
  • That personal salvation and a right relationship with God can only be based on the sacrificial death and resurrection of Yeshua.
  • That Yeshua is the promised Jewish Messiah of Israel and will return in person.


↑1The Hebrew Scriptures also call the “Old Testament”
↑2The New Covenant Scriptures also call “New Testament”
↑4Holy Spirit
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