
Members of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of Australia  are united in these core beliefs:

  • The divine inspiration and infallibility of the Tanakh(1)The Hebrew Scriptures also call the “Old Testament” and the Brit Hadashah(2)The New Covenant Scriptures also call “New Testament” as the supreme authority in all matters of faith and life.
  • The complete unity of God found in Scripture as God the Father, God the Son(3)Yeshua and God the Ruach ha Kodesh(4)Holy Spirit.
  • That Jews and gentiles(5)non-Jews are all in rebellion(6)Sin against God and that God’s judgement on this rebellion is death.
  • That personal salvation and a right relationship with God can only be based on the sacrificial death and resurrection of Yeshua.
  • That Yeshua is the promised Jewish Messiah of Israel and will return in person.




1 The Hebrew Scriptures also call the “Old Testament”
2 The New Covenant Scriptures also call “New Testament”
3 Yeshua
4 Holy Spirit
5 non-Jews
6 Sin
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